Freelancer Rate Calculator

New to Freelancing? Not sure how much to charge for your services? Wondering if you can raise your rates?

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New to Freelancing? Not sure how much to charge for your services? Wondering if you can raise your rates?

  • Don’t: take your current salary, and divide by 2000 hours.
  • Don’t: look at what other people in your industry are charging, and just charge a little less.
  • Don’t: take a guess, and see if clients are willing to pay.

Use this Interactive Workbook instead!

Budgeting Worksheet

Deciding how much to charge clients as a freelancer can seem really hard, but it can be incredibly simple if you start by asking yourself:

“How much money do I need to earn to support the lifestyle I want?”

Instead of pulling a number out of thin air, you can start with your own financial needs and goals. But to do it right, that answer needs to include everything:

  • What expenses you need to cover
  • How much you want to work
  • (Approximately) what taxes you’ll need to pay
  • How much time off you want to take each year (you know, “vacation”)
  • Your “buffer” (we’ll explain what that is, and why it’s important)
  • How much you want to save for an “emergency fund” and your retirement (yes, even Freelancers get to retire!)

This free workbook is ideal for:

  • People who are new to freelancing
  • Anyone who’s been freelancing for a while, but is feeling super-stressed by their finances
  • Anyone who wants to build a sustainable business that will support their chosen lifestyle for the long term.

Special thanks to Ben Levin from paiXon for creating and sharing this calculator with us, and allowing us to share it with you!

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